We believe it is our responsibility to actively seek to make positive impact and contribute to prosperity in our local communities. We do this through several channels.
66°North offers internships to business students, art students and technical students at university level. We know that internship programs are a great way of providing students with real industry knowledge.
Events for Good Cause
We hold events for a good cause. Our last event, Mountain night with Stefan Glowacz, Elísabet Margeirs and Tómas Guðbjarts, was held in Harpa on February 21st 2017 where the entrance fee was donated to the Icelandic Rescue Team.
We sponsor young athletes and artists to support them on their journey to reach their goals.
We are always looking for new opportunities to support our community. Here you can apply for donations to individuals, non-profit organizations or sponsorship.
Every year we donate clothing to those in need. Among donations we have made over the last years are to a Latvian orphanage, homeless and refugees in Iceland and to Syria.
The Pink Hat
Each year in October we produce and sell hats in limited volume and give 500 ISK of every sold hat to the Icelandic Cancer Association.
Member of Festa
66°North became a member of Festa in 2020. The main goal of the partnership is to increase the company's and employees' ability to seek information and learn more about sustainability and corporate social responsibility.
Activities and programs

66°North and UN Women have received grants from the Sustainable Development Goals Partnership Fund for development cooperation to work on a job creation project for refugee women from developing countries in Turkey. (Photo: Sigtryggur Ari Jóhannsson).

66°North officially signed a contract with the Icelandic Forestry Association (IFA) for the next forty years to build a forest in the name of 66°North.

For the last two years, we donated 25% of all online sales over one weekend in November in an effort to save the Glaciers.
We at 66°North are proud to be a part of the SOS T-shirt project, initiated by Rúrik Gíslason to support the SOS Children's Villages association.

NORÐUR Journal highlights the people and adventures which make Iceland such a fascinating place and how 66˚North enables their lives and activities.
“This is such an adventure, something totally different for a lady my age. I’m having the time of my life, it certainly is an interesting change to my normal everyday life.”