66°North x Rammagerðin
66°North and Rammagerðin have come together to create accessories made from 100% Lopi fur from Ístex for DesignMarch. DesignMarch is Iceland’s largest design festival, and this year’s festival will take place in Reykjavik on April 24th – 28th.
The accessories comprise a backpack, a wash bag and a fur hat. Furthermore, the supply is limited. The material is 100% Icelandic wool, which resembles fur and is an excellent alternative for real or faux fur.
Through Rammagerðin, house of Icelandic design, 66°North got introduced to the new fabric Lopi.The new Rammagerðin store in Kirkjuhúsinu on Laugarvegur will be the platform for the project. Rammagerðin has set itself the goal of supporting Icelandic design in various ways, an event will be organized in HönnunarMars to announce the collaboration.

Like your hair, the Lopi Fur will require an occasional brushing. Use a brush and slowly work on brushing out tangles. Be careful not to pull too hard! After brushing, your Lopi Fur should feel soft and bouncy! Wool naturally wants to clump together back into its natural form. When we brush the wool it fluffs up and separates these wool clumps.
Wool is a luxurious and durable fabric, but it does require some extra effort to keep clean.
When washing, use specific wool detergent and only hand wash with cold water. Lay the Lopi Fur flat on a dry fresh towel. Do not dry in direct sunlight! Make sure to only wash the wool when necessary. Or like a true Icelander, just throw your Lopi Fur in the covered snow pile and let it clean itself naturally!